This policy is to
regulate the purchasing system of the hotel. The purchasing process starts with
the initiation of demand lists by the concerned departments and is completed
with the goods are received in the hotel. The demand lists are made on monthly
basis and these are not valid for the next month. The demand list should duly
be signed and approved by the general manager and financial controller and
should be within the allocated budget:-
purchases can be segregated into following categories:-
- General
- Engineering
- Food,
beverage & grocery purchases
- Operation
department’s purchases
- Capital
- Misc.
purchases (purchases other than store items)
- Fuel
& maintenance of vehicles
Procedure for initiating demands
Demand for general
store items will be initiated by the store supervisor. A minimum and maximum
par stock of each item should be set, since items of printing and manufacturing
takes time therefore, for setting the par of these items coordination with
purchasing department is encouraged. In this regard assistance from purchasing
department may be requested.
Demand list for store
items based on the closing stock should reach the purchasing department by the
3rd of every month duly signed by financial controller (who will verify it with
the allocated budget).
Purchasing department
is responsible to compile the demand lists as soon as possible and get these
approved by the general manager.
For items other than
stores, the concerning department is responsible for initiating the demand.
These demand lists should also reach the purchasing department by the 3rd of
every month duly signed by FC (who will verify it with allocated budgets). To
regulate this procedure cost office is responsible to compile the lists in a
file and present it to the purchase department. The format for presenting the
demand lists is as follows:
Department should seek assistance from
purchase department regarding the unit price to be mentioned in the demand
lists. This should be done before the start of the month and lists should be
presented to the purchase department duly signed by FC by the 3rd of every
month. The information regarding the exact quality and specification of the
items should also be passed on the purchase department.
The general store is
responsible for following stores:-
General store
Beverage store
Perishable and non
perishable food and grocery store
Store supervisor is
responsible for keeping close watch on the store items. As the supply of
certain items is received in lots, storekeeper should inform purchasing
department well before reaching the minimum par level of items. Moreover he
should closely coordinate with purchase department by regularly issuing
In case of emergency
or for items omitted from demand lists an additional demand list or purchase
request should be presented duly signed by Gm and FC.
Purchase department
will not entertain any request not approved by General Manager and financial
controller. Purchase department is not authorized to purchase anything without
proper approval
General Purchases
General purchases
include printing. Stationary, guest supplies and cleaning supplies. Store
supervisor is responsible for maintaining par and determining par for new items
in coordination with the concerned departments.
Engineering purchases
The demand for
engineering items rests entirely with chief engineer. The engineering stored
keeper is responsible for initiating the demand for the engineering items in
coordination with R&M engineer. Par stock would also be advised by the
chief engineer for regular items to be kept and maintained in engineering store.
Food & grocery
F&B department is
responsible for initiating demand for food and grocery purchases in the
recommendation of Executive Chef. Food purchases are divided as follows:-
Meat & Fish
Fruits &
Dairy Products
Spices & Cereals
Tin packed products
Items 1 to 3 are
categorized as perishable items and the Executive Chef on the daily market list
Performa according to upcoming requirements orders these on the daily basis.
Other items, these are categorized as grocery or non-perishable items and these
are kept in general store and their par stocks must be set in coordination with
executive chef and store.
Daily market list
should reach at purchasing department before 3 PM
Beverage purchases
Beverage includes
soft drinks and tin packed drinks. Store is responsible to initiate the demand
of beverages based on future requirements.
Since the supply of
soft drinks is monopolized by the manufacturer, it is recommended to regulate
it, that F&B and cost office should coordinate for the extra supply of soft
drinks in case of banquets or parties and inform the purchase department a day
before such event. Otherwise the supplier will only fill up the available empty
Department’s Purchases
Operating departments
House keeping
For operating the
above mentioned department’s demand lists should be made based on the current
requirements and par set. After having purchased the times (crockery, cutlery,
lined, glassware, silverware, towels and bed sheets) through capital budget the
shortfall of these items should be filled through monthly demand list, which
should be within the allocated budget.
Executive housekeeper
is responsible to initiate demand for housekeeping and laundry related items.
F&B manager is
responsible for stewarding related items.
Misc. Purchases
Items purchases
directly (other than store and operating) are categorized as Misc. purchases
and include demand for following departments.
Front office
Recreation floor
Men’s saloon (Barber shop)
Human resources
Computer maintenance
The concerning
departments should initiate demand lists
Fuel &
maintenance of Vehicles
Demand of fuel for
vehicles is on and when required basis but should remain within the allocated quantity
for each vehicle. Demand list based on the allocated budget should be made on
monthly basis and approved by General Manager.
Promotional and
Sales and marketing
manager is responsible to initiate the demand for promotional and advertising.
Any designing or developing of a new promotional material will be conducted by
the sales manager with the coordination of purchasing department demand list
based on the allocated budget should be made on monthly basis and approved by
General Manager.
Capital Purchases
Capital purchases
includes replacement and procurement of furniture and fixtures, machinery,
equipment, machine parts and some new projects for improvement of facilities
and items and projects not considered as part of hotel’s normal operations.
Capital purchases
will be regulated by corporate office. The concerned department heads are
responsible for initiating capital demands.
Annual budgets will
be prepared by corporate office based on the capital item lists provided by the
departments. For pricing the capital purchases lists assistance should be sort
from purchase department. Detailed information as of quality and specifications
of particular item should be provided by the concerned department to purchasing
a) Chief engineer is
responsible to initiate demand for any civil work and replacement of any
machinery & equipment or machine part.
b) F&B manager is
responsible to initiate the demand for Crockery, cutlery, china ware,
glassware, silverware and any kind of kitchen equipment and banquet related
Executive housekeeper is responsible to initiate demand for linen, bed sheets,
towels, uniforms and items concerning room decor.
The concerning
department head should discuss the capital items with general manager and
executive director. The concerning department head is responsible for the
follow up of ordered capital items with the help of purchase department.
Action by purchasing department
On receipt of demand
lists from departments, the purchasing department would segregate these into
the following categories:-
- General
store demand list
- Grocery
store demand list
- Engineering
store demand list
- Beverage
store demand list
- Housekeeping
demand list
- Laundry
demand list
- Stewarding
demand list
- Sales
& Marketing demand list
- Fuel
& Maintenance demand list
- Miscellaneous
demand list
Purchase department
is now responsible for calling at least three quotations each item or verifies
rates from at least three parties. Except of those items like regular printing
and items whose agreements are made. A comparison would be made for each item
and the party giving the lowest would be considered for further negotiations.
Past records of purchases should also be kept in mind.
Before taking
quotations the parties should be informed of any specifications and exact
quality required of items and also of the terms of credit. Cash purchases
should be maintained at lowest level. After the formalities of quotations and
negotiation a demand lists should be made on the following format. (Specimen
No. 02 attached)
This format should be
present to General Manager for approval. After getting it approved and signed
by the GM, Purchase department can now issue purchase orders.
Purchase department
is supposed to make frequent market surveys especially the survey of Fruit
& vegetable should be conducted on the monthly basis before the start of
each month.
for the supply of fruits & vegetable, chicken, mutton, beef and dairy
products may be made on monthly or yearly basis which ever is favorable for
Agreements done for
food items should confirm the laws governing the “PURE FOOD ACT”. Any loss
suffered to hotel due to lack of standard of food items should be bear by the
supplier. It should also be cleared to the supplier that in case items are
short supplied or not supplied according to purchase order or agreement for any
reason, the hotel has the right to purchase the same from the market and the
difference would be charged to the supplier.
Purchase department
should keep on looking for new suppliers and better products. At least one
alternate supplier should be kept for items specially used for guest services.
warranties and assurances whenever are necessary should be taken by the
purchasing department from the suppliers.
Receiving of Goods.
All the items
purchased are required to be delivered at hotel’s receiving area. The receiving
supervisor acting as an agent of the hotel will receive the Goods and do the
Receiving supervisor must ensure that:-
are accompanied by the supplier’s invoice.
quality and quantity of goods are according to the purchase order.
food items chef should approve the quality.
printing and items concerning to a particular department a representative from
that department not less than a supervisor should check the quality.
items will be accepted on chief engineer’s recommendation.
items are found with any discrepancy at the time of receiving it should be
returned to the supplier and the matter should be solved on the spot.
department should be informed of the reason as of why are the goods rejected.
So, that they can make arrangements for the better one.
case of any disputes or confusion purchasing department’s help should be sought
to clear the matter.
Payment to vendors
Vendors are to be
paid on the basis of their monthly supply by the 15th of every
month. Vendors should be informed at the time of payments of any deductions
made for any reason.
responsibilities of purchase manager
Purchase manage is
responsible for overall activities of purchasing department.
PM should:-
- Ensure
that procedure of calling of quotations and making of comparisons is
- Make
& conduct frequent market surverys, to check the rates of different
- Ensure
the maintenance and upkeep of purchase vehicle should keep a check that
purchase vehicle is inspected for oil and water daily by the purchase
driver. PM should also regularly inspect the log book maintain of the
purchase vehicle and ensure that every trip of the vehicle is noted for
the reason of journey and total distance in KM.
- Ensure
that the proper filing system is adopted and the document like purchase
orders, agreements and demand lists should be filed in such a manner that
they are handy for reference at anytime.
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