Key and Key Control
key is a device which is used to open alock. A typical key consist of two
blade, which slides into the keyhole tounlock the door
bow, which is left protruding so thattorque can be applied by the user to open
blade is usually designed to open onespecific lock, although master keys
aredesigned to open sets of similar locks.
The emergency key
1. opens
all guestroom doors, evenwhen they are double locked. It can be used, for
example,to enter a room when the guest needs help and is unable toreach or open
the door.
2. The
emergency key should be highly protected and itsuse strictly controlled and
recorded; it should never leavethe property.
3. One
procedure for emergency keys is to have themlocked in hotel safe, a safe
deposit box or a metal cabinetand signed out by the individual needing one.
4. The
log should be dated and signed by the individualtaking the key.
5. The
keys should not be used on day-to-day basis
Master Key
1. A
master key is designed to open a set of several locks.
2. These
keys open all guestroom that are not double-locked.
3. These
locks also have keys which are specific to each one(the change key) and cannot
open any of the others in theset
4. Locks
which have master keys have a second set of themechanism used to open them
which is identical to all of theothers in the set of locks
5. For
example, master keyed pin tumbler locks will have twoshear points at each pin
position, one for the change key andone for the master key
6. A
far more secure (and more expensive) system has twocylinders in each lock, one
for the change key and one for themaster key.
7. Larger
organizations, with more complex"grandmaster key" systems, may have
severalmaster key systems
where the top levelgrandmaster key works in all of the locks inthe system
8. A
master key opens all guestrooms that arenot double locked. Depending upon the
need,the master key may be further established asa housekeeping staff master
key, a floorsupervisor master key, and a grand masterkey for management
Grand Master Key
Key operates all locks in the Hotel.
Includinglaundry and linen rooms
Floor Supervisors Master Key
Key operates all sections on the floor/
floorssupervised by the particular supervisor.
Housekeeping Staff Master Key
Key operates all rooms serviced
byparticularroom maid or housekeeping staff.
Guest Key
1. The
hotel guest room key is normallyissued to open only one room for which itwas
intended, viz. individualised key foreach lock.
2. If
the guest room lock is in shut-out modethe guest room key can neither open it
norlock from outside of the room
1. Metal
room keys are being replaced byelectronically coded key-cards.
2. A
key card, while not actually considered akey, is a plastic card which stores a
digitalsignature that is used with electronicaccess control locks.
3. It
is normally a flat, rectangular piece ofplastic and may also serve as an ID
4. There
are several popular type of key cards inuse and include the mechanical hole
card, barcode card, magnetic stripe card, smart card(embedded with a read /
write electronicmicrochip), and RFID proximity cards.
5. The
key card is used by presenting it to a cardreader; swiping or inserting of
magnetic stripecards, merely being brought into close proximityto a sensor.
6. Key-cards
have the capability of being randomlycoded at the point of registration, which
re-emphasizes the guest perception of roomsecurity. Key-card control is
computer-based andtherefore creates the necessary audit trailautomatically
7. Master
keys can be changed in a matter of a fewkeystrokes and lost key-cards are easilyremoved
from the system.
8. One
of the best security features is the ability ofthe computer to investigate each
door lock andget a printout of everyone who accessed aparticular room. This
dramatically cuts down ontheft from the rooms by hotel employees
9. The
security advantage of the key-cards hasmade it popular and many medium and
largesized hotels are adopting this key-card system.
Above keys will
not open the lock when theGuest has Double Locked it from inside.
From a security
point of view, master keying isundesirable; but from a practical point of
view,however it is necessary.• Master keying presents two security drawbacks:
First is the
danger that if a master key is lost orstolen, several locks in the system would
becompromised, thus providing access to all thoselocks.
Second is the loss
of master key.
Key Control
A system of key
control is essential to the security of alodging property.
It is the process
of reducing theft and other security-related incidents by carefully monitoring
and tracking theuse of keys
All keys whether
metal or electronic should beadequately controlled. The security of a key lock
systemis seriously weakened when keys are issued to a greatnumber of people or
to anyone who has no legitimateneed for a key.
The best lock in
the world may be unable to protect aproperty or its guests if poor key control
allows a criminalto obtain a key to that lock.
If there is no key
card lock system, the followingpolicies should be considered:
Precautions to be taken Room keys must not have any form of tag thatidentifies
the hotel.• Keys must not have the number on them. Theymust be identified by a
numeric or alphabetic code.The code should not be identical to the building
orthe room number.
B) Issuing KeysOnly
authorised person should be allowed toaccess the keys and a high level of
security shouldbe maintained.
1. It
ensures complete security as no room number isprinted on card
2. At
the time of issue more than one keycard can be givento the guest if there is a
double occupancy in the room It is possible to trace the receptionist who issues
thekeys from the print out at the end of the day (to avoidunnecessary or extra
duplication which may call forsecurity problems)
3. An
alarm is set on when a wrong key card is usedthereby alerting security.
4. It
helps the guest to avail other credit facilities form thevarious outlets of the
hotel. It also helps in conservingelectricity in the guest room
Guestroom Keys
1. These
key have the minimum access,unlocking just one room.
2. When
keys are given to guest the roomnumber must not be spoken aloud.
3. The
guest should be explained about hissecurity maintained through codingsystem.
4. During
the checkout, the guest should beasked for their room keys.
Master & Sub-MasterKeys
1. All
the floor master keys, room masterkeys, grand master keys should be signedout each
time they are taken and theirreturn noted in a key control shee
2. All
the keys should be stamped “Do NotDuplicate”
3. Emergency
Keys should be kept in asafety box.
of keys
1. Employees
should not be allowed to loanthe keys assigned to them to one another.
2. Employees
should handover keyswhenever they leave the property, evenfor the meal breaks.
3. Individuals
who have been master keysshould be checked from time to time.
1. Security
of keys is essential from the momentthey arrive on site. Keys should be
storedseparately and securely.
2. No
unauthorised person should be allowedaccess to any key, either to examine or
handleit, since a photograph or impression can betaken in few seconds and
duplicatesubsequently made.
3. Keep
a log book of all keys signed out.
4. Establish
protocol for distribution of keys.
5. Use
keys that do not identify the property’sname, address, logo, or room number.
6. Perform
an annual key audit.
7. When
keys are lost or stolen, the locksshould be changed or rotated to anotherpart
of the property.• Authorised employees should remindguests to return keys at
8. The
loss or suspected compromise of a keyshould be reported immediately and,
afterdue investigation, a decision be made as towhether or not the lock should
be changed.
9. Place
well-secured key return boxes in thelobby, at exit points of the property, and
incourtesy vehicles.
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